Thursday, January 15, 2009

hard disk


How Hard Drive Work?

First off we have platters in the drive itself. The platters are made up of ceramic and aluminum materials. The idea is to find a combination that will keep heat to a low. There is a lot of heat generated by the hard drive and it needs to keep cool, we do not want the platters expanding and contracting to much. Now along with these platters we may have as much as 80 gigabyte per platter. How is this read?

Read/Write head moves over the disk via an actuator (arm). This head moves over grooves called tracks like a record player. Now in these track we have some more real-estate called sectors. The sector is smallest unit on the platter and its bytes are addressed within its position of the sector. Now if you can imagine all these platters on top of one another and the sectors are all lined up this is considered a cylinder. When the read/write head puts information or reads information from the drive it has to do this by scanning the sectors in a cylinder. This is pretty important when it comes time to defragment the hard drive. We want all related information close together and in a fashion that it is found fast. We will get into this more with File Allocation Table of the Hard Drive (FAT).

Hard Drive Density

Why is it that engineers have been able to put 80 gigabyte onto one platter when a 80 gigabyte hard drive was at one time the size of a small car? We need to understand a little about density.

Disk Density is measured and is also called areal density. The idea is to be able to put more information in a smaller space. When you can achieve this you will also allow more information to pass underneath the read/write heads thus improving data transfer rates. This is pretty nice and will get better. Now how is this density calculated? For the most part the density I measure in Bit per Inch (BPI) and track per inch (TPI). When we multiply the TPI and BPI we get areal density. Now when more exotic materials and better technologies come together we need to beef up the older stuff. What I mean by this is the read/write heads, rotation speed, Disk platter makeup. All of these need a improvement when making better use of space. We need to get an idea of these components and what they do to make the hard drive faster and better.

What Makes Hard Drive Happen?

Why is it that engineers have been able to put 80 gigabyte onto one platter when a 80 gigabyte hard drive was at one time the size of a small car? We need to understand a little about density.

Rotational Speed, the idea behind this is the linear speed of the drive. The faster the better. We want our signal strength to be the best as possible. When the head actuator moves the the inside of the drive it is also moving data slower. We want to compensate with the speed of the out portion of the disk. Again the faster the better. Most disk run at least 7200 Revolutions Per Minute (RPM). Insure you buy at least this RPM rating. There are also drives out there that can spin at 10,000 RPM and again faster is better. Take note that the faster it spins the more heat you will produce, get some fans.

Read/Write Heads, this technology seems to limit density for the most part. Even if you put large amounts of data on a platter this doesn't mean that the heads can read it. As you pack more data bits in a smaller place the signal strength deminishes of the bit itself. We need to make use of a better read/write head to do this. There are also ideas of making the read/write head closer to the platter and even letting it rest on the platter. If allowing the head to rest on the platter we will have more wear and tear and drive life will be shortened. So with that said we need to improve the signal strengths within the head itself. There is a technology which helps with this that is called Magneto Resistive (MR). This actually sends a constant current through the head and when passing data bits the current will fluctuate indicating signal strength of that data bit. This is simply a way to amplify a existing signal.

Disk Media, the platters need to be made of light weight materials that are also resistant to damage. Most platters are made up of ceramics, glass, aluminum and combinations of all of them. The idea as discussed earlier is to make them light and lower heat potential. The actual layer that holds the data is called a cobalt layer and is between 1 and 3 microinches. This is getting kinda thin now isn't it. As you can tell everything has to work close together.

Hard Drive Controllers

The controller is usually incorporated as a chipset or as a expansion card on the motherboard, drive itself. The controller is just that, it controls data transfer and holds on to those bits of information and needs to have some intelligence. This controller will have to be able to talk to all components in its string and will become more critical as time goes on. Most of the controllers that you look at are already built into the drive and into the motherboard itself. There is also something called a burst rate. This is the maximum of which data can be passed through the controller. The data needs a path to hook itself from the hard drive to the motherboard. This is with the use of a cable. This cable will go into the adapter card or the IDE controller already built into the motherboard on newer systems. Now with the argument of who uses smarter interfaces. SCSI or IDE, which one is better and should you go get the SCSI hard drive?

Hard Drive Interfaces

Now we need to cover interfaces. What is the proper drive for you and what is with IDE and SCSI? Well, the best way to answer this one is the difference in Ford and Chevy.

IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics), this interface has been around a while and is most popular due to being fairly cheap. Now don't let IDE confuse you when we talk of controllers. The IDE is just a controller that is attached to the hard drive itself. With this connection it will then go into the system bus via a cable. Also IDE and EIDE is called ATA this is a misnomer. Some people can make there minds up to what is what. The reason's behind incorporating the controller on the drive was to cut down confusion with other manufacturers standards. This allows the hard drive maker to set itself up and insure the drive will work ok. Now how many drives can a IDE control? IDE can control 2 devices and EIDE can control 4 with primary and secondary slots on the board. Now when we want to get into SCSI you will see has many as 32 devices on one controller. Not to shabby huh? But this privilege is not without price.

SCSI (Small Computer Serial Interface), this is a pretty popular interface and is also faster, and more expensive. Some of the variations of SCSI is Fast, Ultra, Ultrawide, Fastwide SCSI. This can get confusing. But to put it in easy terms the SCSI in general allows more devices hooked onto one connection. The SCSI uses a smarter logic in the controller and is better with multiple task. What should you buy IDE or SCSI? I would go with SCSI if the money allows it but IDE is cheaper and does a good job. The only difference to note on a SCSI and the IDE is just the controller chip that is in the Hard Drive itself. Again this is Ford and Chevy but SCSI can offer higher data rates but the price may not be worth it to you. If not, go with IDE you more than likely already have it and you can always get a faster IDE drive cheaper than the ole SCSI.

A Note, most of the time when you buy a hard drive the only difference in the drive itself is just the controller, that's it. There are no magical new parts in the hard drive just a different controller with more logic.

Install IDE Hard Drive

How To Install and Troubleshoot IDE Hard Drives

This guide is for installing an IDE drive. If you're opening up something an OEM machine you could be voiding your warranty so check first.

When you try to install a really big hard drive into a lot of older systems, you'll find that the BIOS is only capable of seeing 137 GB. On even older mainboards you'll find a 32 GB limit. To get around this you'll want to use that install disk that came with the hard drive or if you're a relatively advanced user a BIOS update should be available. The install disk comes on a floppy so if you don't have one then you'd better be able to do a BIOS update.

Before you start

  • Do not drop or bump the drive.
  • Keep the drive in the protective anti-static container until ready to install.
  • Protect the drive from static discharge by wearing a grounded wrist strap. Attach the wrist strap to the metal chassis of your computer.
  • Handle the drive by the edges of the frame.
  • Do not apply pressure or attach labels to the circuit board or the top cover of the drive.
  • Turn off the power to the host system before installation.

What you need

  • Phillips screwdriver and four 6-32 UNC drive mounting screws.
  • Standard 40-pin ATA interface cable, or an 80-conductor cable if running UATA66/100 (max length: 18 inches).
  • An unused drive power cable for your new drive.
  • Needle-nose pliers for removing or adding jumpers.

DO NOT put a CD Drive on the same channel as your hard drive! Most modern CD drives are ATA33 while the modern hard drives are ATA133. A drive can only transfer as fast as the slowest device on the channel.

Let's Begin

Unpack everything. Drives come defaulted to be ready to be installed in a single drive environment.

First of all Master, Slave? What is this? They had to be called something. The master can also be referred to as the "primary" drive with the slave being the "secondary". A lot of people like to use what is called Cable Select. If you want to do that you'll just have to make sure that it's plugged into the right part of the cable.

Wonder what connects to where on the cable?

If you want to make it the master or the slave, you will have to look around the drive to find where the instructions are. You'll see some kind of diagram that looks like this:

It's not currently set, but you can fairly easily tell from the diagram what you'll need to set it for. There is a sample about Seagate hard drvie jumper setting.

Setting the Jumpers

  • Master or Single Drive - Use this setting if the drive is the only drive on the ATA interface cable.
  • Drive is Slave - Use this setting if the drive is an additional drive on the cable and the original drive is set as Master.
  • Master with non-ATA compatible drive - Use this if the drive is Master to a CD-ROM, tape drive or other non-ATA drive.Note: It is preferred to have the CD-ROM and other non-hard drive products on the secondary ATA channel.
  • Cable-Select Option (Default) - Use with Ultra ATA cables. This allow the cable to select if the drive is master or slave based on the position on the cable. The Master drive goes on the black connector at the end of the cable, the slave drive connects to the gray connector in the middle and the host adapter connects to the blue connector at the other end of the cable.
  • Limit Capacity Option - This option may be required if the system the drive is being installing into does not support the full capacity of the drive. If the limit capacity jumper is installed you will need to use a drive overlay program such as the one installed by Disc Wizard Starter Edition.

The figure below depicts the jumper settings for the U-Series and Barracuda ATA drive families (most Seagate ATA drives above 20 GBytes). If you have an older drive please visit our Technical Library and find your model number for details on jumper configuration.

Install hard drive

Before you install the new drive make sure you unplug the power connector from the computer. Anytime you mess with anything inside your computer it is a good idea to unplug it. It's also a good idea to touch the power supply before you go sticking your hands in there! Static discharge can jump and do some bad things. Just touch the power supply for a precaution OK?

Open up your computer case.

Now you should be able to find an open 3.5" slot somewhere.

Slide the drive into an available slot and find 2 or 4 case screws. Two if you're lazy and only screw things in on the side. Four if you never touch anything in your system. For that you will have to pull off both side panels to your case. The case screws are bigger than the ones used to screw in your CD drives.

After the drive is secured then go ahead and connect the power and IDE cables. On the edge of one of the cables you will see a line. Normally it's red on the grey cables and white on black cables etc there will be some kind of colored line to indicate pin 1. This pin always goes on the same side as the power connector.

To connect the IDE cable to the motherboard you'll have to find something that looks like this:

Each connector represents 1 IDE channel. Most boards have 2 channels while 4 is becoming more and more common at least on the higher end boards.

Each channel can have 2 devices on it.

When you first start your machine enter into the BIOS and make sure the drive was identified properly. Generally it's the [del] button that gets you into the BIOS but sometimes it's F1 or F2. You should be able to see some kind of message on the screen when it first posts indicating what you need to push.

Once you're in the BIOS you'll want to go into standard CMOS where you should see something like this:

Run the system setup program.
Enable LBA mode and UDMA mode, if applicable.
Select the auto-detect option.
Save and exit the system setup program.

If your drives are showing up properly then you did it right. If they aren't then you've got some troubleshooting to do. First of all look go back to the front page in your BIOS and select integrated peripherals. Make sure that both IDE channels are enabled. Most likely you set your jumper wrong.

Partitioning the drive in Windows XP / Windows 2000

If you insall a new drive and want to use it in Windows, you must partitioning the hard drive first! Note: If you want to recover data from the "OLD" drive, Don't do this!

Retail packaged hard drives will have an install disk for you. If this new drive is going to be your main drive then use the partition application that is built into Windows 2000 and XP. If your using Windows 9x (why?) then you'll want to checkout and find something that'll cover your needs. You'll need to fdisk this. Since most of people are using Windows 2000 or XP, so overleap all the steps in fdisk. The basal step is:

  • Boot into Windows 2000 or XP.
  • Open Computer Management and select Disk Management.
  • Initialize the drive.
  • Partition the drive.
  • Format the drive.
  • Assign the drive letter.
  • Initiate changes.

If this is being installed as a secondary storage drive for Windows 2000 or XP, then you can go into the built in utility called "Disk Management". Go into the Control Panel -> go under Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Storage -> Disk Management.

Look on the bottom right and you'll see something that looks like this picture. The disk with all of the unallocated space is what you're after. Right click on it. Select New Partition.

A wizard will pop up and walk you through this process. Choose a partition size. If this is a secondary drive then you're obviously after pure storage space so just make it a primary partition and allocate 100% of your space to it.

The followed screen looks like this. Just clicking next until you get here.

If you're only using Windows 2000/XP, we would suggest using NTFS. If you're dual booting then Fat32 would probably be a good idea if the other OS can't read NTFS.

For NTFS the default cluster size is 4K which is pretty much the best tradeoff between speed and storage space.

Volume label is nothing other than the name you want it to be called.

Make sure you select quick format or else it'll be a while before you can use the disk.

Click next it's just a summary of what you told it to do.

Click next and soon the new drive is available.


No hard drives show up:
Do you have two drives on the cable? Make sure both of the drives aren't set for the same setting (master or slave).
Make sure the power is plugged in and everything is connected securely.
Verify the drive is enabled in system BIOS. If not, select the auto-detect option.

The hard drive doesn't even power up:
Check to make sure the IDE cable is connected correctly. You will see some kind of stripe running down the side of the cable that will indicate pin 1. Pin 1 is almost always the closest to the power connector. If you have this backwards the drive will normally either be silent or fail to power up.

Is the full capacity of the hard drive being seen:
Verify the BIOS has auto-detected and LBA mode is enabled.

My hard drive is slow:
Make sure you have your CD/DVD drives plugged into a different channel/cable. Most modern CD drives are ATA33 while the modern hard drives are ATA133. A drive can only transfer as fast as the slowest device on the channel.

My hard drive doesn't have the jumper settings on the label:
Find the model number and visit the manufacturers website. The should have some instructions posted. If not, email their support.

My 40 GB hard drive only show up as 38.2 GB:
The formatted space will always be a bit less than the advertised storage capacity. This is supposed to happen, don't worry. It is a difference in the way the OS and the manufacturers measure drive size. Hard drive manufacturers use round figures for sizing (1000MB = 1GB instead of 2^40 bytes = 1GB) whereas operating systems show the exact version.

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